In the past thirty years, anarchism as well as implicitly anarchist practices have grown quite expansively in our region of the world
Southeast Asian anarchism: Notes from a denizen

In the past thirty years, anarchism as well as implicitly anarchist practices have grown quite expansively in our region of the world
Pangayaw and Decolonizing Resistance: Anarchism in the Philippines Author: Bas Umali Editor: Gabriel Kuhn PM Press 2020 ISBN: 9781629637945 A desire to read a book critically is similar to translating: it bridges a gap and weaves together a fabric between text, author, and reader, especially when the importance of difference is not overlooked. The difficulties
As most of you probably heard, Philippines’ president Rodrigo Duterte, who assumed office in July 2016, had launched the “Philippine Drug War” known also as “Operation Double Barrel”. The disgraceful campaign aims at “the neutralization of illegal drug personalities nationwide”. The policy gave a green light to cops to routinely execute drug suspects and then