Freedom News

Book Review: Anarchists Never Surrender

Book Review: Anarchists Never Surrender

This book is a collection of new translations of articles by Victor Serge (1890-1947). by Victor Serge, edited by Mitchell Abidor ISBN: 978-1-62963-031-1 PP: 256 PM Press 2015 Review by Anarcho Born of Russian anti-Tsarist exiles in Belgium, Serge is of note for his odyssey from anarchism to Bolshevism, then from Trotskyism to some kind of libertarian Marxism. He is

An Anarchist in Love with Mao’s China – Herbert Read’s ‘Letters from China’.

An Anarchist in Love with Mao’s China – Herbert Read’s ‘Letters from China’.

Plus a list of dubious accounts of ‘successful’ revolutions, from Russia to Rojava In the second year of the Great Leap Forward famine – in which perhaps 30 million died – Herbert Read visited China on an official delegation. Read’s acceptance of a knighthood for his literary achievements had already discredited him amongst many anarchists.