Freedom News

Britain Not Heading Towards Socialism Anytime Soon

Britain Not Heading Towards Socialism Anytime Soon

Jon Bigger muses on the outcome of the local elections and what it means for the Corbyn project. This isn’t exactly a shock is it? Last week’s local election results have been pored over and analysed and the overwhelming verdict is that they indicate the British people are in love in equal measure with Theresa May’s

Editorial: British anarchism in 2016

It’s hard to know where to start when writing an editorial about 2016. So much has happened in British politics that a summary piece could easily end up being just a list of uncommon events, from the rise of Corbynism and its impact on the libertarian left, to Brexit, the collapse of the Tory consensus

The current crisis and the rise of the Corbyn dogma

The current crisis and the rise of the Corbyn dogma

A few days ago Freedom published an article called, “The End of Dogma #keepcorbyn as a Transitional Demand.” In it an occasional Freedom contributor argued for support of the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as he faces a coup organised by right wing Labour MPs, Blairite think tanks and most of the soft left media. It

The #grantsnotdebt demonstration shows a way forward for the free education movement

The #grantsnotdebt demonstration shows a way forward for the free education movement

Since the wrecking of Millbank in 2010 the free education movement has seen few instances of struggle, resistance and action. Protests such as Cops off Campus and the occupations of universities like Birmingham and the London School of Economics have been encouraging but ultimately these events either capitalised on a wave of general outrage from