Freedom News

Berlin: Refugee Movement Centre Evicted

Gerhart-Hauptmann Schule, a school building in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district squatted in 2012 by a group of refugees and activists,  was evicted today. The vacant school was  first occupied during a particularly harsh Winter in December 2012 in order to house homeless refugees camping at Berlin’s streets.  Initially, the occupation was tolerated by the district office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg,

The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus

Having struggled to find a foothold since the end of 1967-74 military junta, Greek fascism saw a turning point with the spectacular rise of Aube Dorée (Golden Dawn) during the late 2000s financial crisis. The murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a Golden Dawn (GD) assault squad in 2013 saw the organisation lose momentum and support, but it has recently been growing

Moreton Hall inmate speaks out: “People are coming in here normal and going out mental”

Campaigners managed to make contact with detainees in the notorious Moreton Hall immigration detention centre yesterday after one refugee scaled a 20 foot fence to talk about conditions inside. The unnamed man said: We are not criminals! We are asking for asylum here. People here need medical attention and social care”” (two people have died within six

Turkey: State paramilitaries are destroying Syrian refugees’ tent homes in İzmir

As of February 8th, refugees living in tents in the Torbalı and Bayındır districts of İzmir are being evacuated in accordance with district governorate decisions through the intervention of its gendarmerie State paramilitary force. The tent areas are being removed. Thousands of refugees, who left their countries because of the civil war in Syria, have