Freedom News

Europe is stained by the ashes of Moria refugee camp

Europe is stained by the ashes of Moria refugee camp

Yesterday morning we awoke to the news that Europe’s largest refugee camp burnt to the ground overnight. At present it is unclear if there have been any fatalities and it will be a while before we know for sure. Around 13,000 people (mainly from Afghanistan and Syria) were cramped into a former army facility at

A chronology of pogroms in Lesvos

A chronology of pogroms in Lesvos

The situation on the island of Lesvos was escalating towards the freezing of all transfers of refugees to the inland, after a government decision around September 2019, while in January 2020 a new law (4636/2019) regarding the political asylum and reception conditions was put into force, changing the essence of who is entitled to a

The anti-NGO discourse in Greece and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

The anti-NGO discourse in Greece and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

These days in Greece an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory has successfully infiltrated the public discourse. Officials of the right-wing New Democracy government, as well as by journalists of major media outlets, express suspicion regarding the role of NGOs in the movement of refugees. An increasing amount of voices demand for NGOs that act in the sphere

Bangladesh: 200,000 Rohingya people rally to mark Genocide Day

Bangladesh: 200,000 Rohingya people rally to mark Genocide Day

About 200,000 Rohingya people rallied in the World’s largest refugee camp in Kutupalong, Bangladesh, today to mark two years since the start of the biggest ever stream of refugees out of Myanmar. They were forced to flee violence by Myanmar forces. Today’s rally was described as Genocide Day. In August 2017, around 740,000 Rohingya, residents

News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk

News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk

Since the highly publicised “clearance” of encampment The Jungle in Calais three years ago migrant struggles in the area have been largely ignored other than a minor panic over refugee dinghies in the Channel – but that doesn’t mean the situation is resolved, writes Chiara Lauvergnac. The Calais Jungle is not “finished”. There are still

What do you know about the European Migrant Smuggling Centre?

What do you know about the European Migrant Smuggling Centre?

 A long read from Are You Syrious on the EUROPOL project, and whom it really helps. Content warning: police violence ‘’Protecting people, especially the most vulnerable ones, has to be the top priority for all police forces on this planet” — Robert Črepinko, head of the European Migrant Smuggling Centre. “ A woman was placed in a

Refugee struggle: secret document could prove Turkey is not a safe third country

Refugee struggle: secret document could prove Turkey is not a safe third country

Germany’s largest pro immigration advocacy organization PRO ASYL, together with Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) have urged the European Asylum Support Office  (EASO) to release a potentially crucial report on the Turkish asylum system. The document, dated 15th June 2016,  is believed to include information that would show that Turkey is not a safe third country