Freedom News

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So the first all out strike of the fuel/ inflation crisis is The Barristers! Specifically Criminal Barristers who do legal aid work. They are technically self employed but rely on payments from the government to represent defendants with low income (or whose assets are currently held in trust by other members of the gang residing

London: Hundreds of Uber drivers rally to protest the company’s failure to protect workers from the cost of living crisis

On Wednesday, about 400 Uber drivers attended a protest and rally outside of the company’s London offices in Aldgate. The protest was part of a 24-hour national strike for Uber drivers organised by The App Drivers & Couriers Union (ADCU) that took place all day yesterday. Uber drivers are facing an unprecedented cost of living

BREAKING: Police raid Northants community fridge

At 11am this morning, police swooped on a community mutual aid project in Northampton in a raid allegedly linked to the Just Stop Oil campaign. The Racecourse Community Fridge is a recently established mutual aid project focusing on repurposing commercial and domestic foods which might otherwise go to waste, providing social support to anyone who

All tories are oligarchs: Autonomous Winter Shelter celebrates new season of anarchy

The Autonomous Winter Shelter in North London is celebrating more than 3 months of self-organised direct action that has facilitated the continued safe housing of dozens of houseless people, the service of 100s of hot meals, and the distribution of clothing, medicine and hygiene products. It was seized in response to the failure of state and 3rd-sector lackeys that feed and sustain the misery of those who are reduced to the status of refugees in their own country.

Roll on, fuck off

Workers fight back as ferry company drops job loss bombshell. One of the UK’s foremost ferry companies P&O sacked 800 staff with no notice yesterday. Officers and seafarers were dismissed via Zoom call at 11 am while still on the ships. Balaclava clad security guards were ready with handcuffs to quell resistance as the Dubai

Jailing the Peaceful

James Brown, the Extinction Rebellion protestor and partially sighted paralympian who glued himself to the top of a plane has had his prison sentence reduced from twelve to four months by the Court of Appeal. “Yay! for kindly Lord Chief Justice Burnett!” I hear you cry, maybe. Well actually it ain’t that good. Let’s look

For whom the Bill Tolls: What’s occurring with Kill the Bill?

Has the Kill the Bill campaign come roaring back to life? The rapid proliferation of demos around the country yesterday against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill suggests that might just be the case. There were over twenty demonstrations around the country, some with just a few dozen but with thousands coming onto the