Freedom News

Belarus: Anarchist Prisoners

Belarus: Anarchist Prisoners

As part of the ongoing International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners, a correspondent rounds up the four main cases of anarchists who have been detained by the Lukashenko dictatorship. Large numbers of other arrests have been taking place over the last week, which are being charted on the Dissidentby Telegram page. Most of these

Protesters gather at Secretary of State for Justice home demanding prisons are emptied in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic

Protesters gather at Secretary of State for Justice  home demanding prisons are emptied in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic

On Monday morning, a protest took place on the doorstep of the home of the Secretary of State for Justice, Robert Buckland in Wroughton, Borough of Swindon. The protesters demanded the immediate release of all incarcerated people from the unsafe conditions in which they are being held in prisons, detention centres and psychiatric hospitals, in

No one left alone in the hands of the state: Greek prison Solidarity Fund calls for emergency support

No one left alone in the hands of the state: Greek prison Solidarity Fund calls for emergency support

The Greek Prison Solidarity Fund have commenced an online fundraiser, asking for emergency support during the time of COVID-19. COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown across the globe continue to have a massive impact on our lives: many are struggling to make ends meet and worrying about the future; some are struggling with the lockdown itself,

“I’ve never felt more trapped and powerless in my life” – Letter lays bare the cruel realities of prison during the pandemic

“I’ve never felt more trapped and powerless in my life” – Letter lays bare the cruel realities of prison during the pandemic

The following letter from ‘D’ – passed to us by Carl Cattermole and Lisa & Elliot of @bluebaglife – lays bare the horrific conditions being endured by prisoners during the Covid-19 pandemic. As Carl wrote yesterday, British prisons are a Petri dish for this virus and unless people are released en masse, hundreds of prisoners

British prisons are Petri dishes for this pandemic; without immediate action it’s the death penalty by any other name

British prisons are Petri dishes for this pandemic; without immediate action it’s the death penalty by any other name

Carl Cattermole This past Tory decade has left public services looking like a bicycle locked up too long in East London: valuable parts stolen, everything else rusted. And if the service still has two wheels then I guarantee it doesn’t have the suspension to cope with bumps… and… COVID-19 isn’t a bump, it’s an assault

Free Kevan Thakrar – End solitary confinement in the UK!

Free Kevan Thakrar – End solitary confinement in the UK!

On Monday 9th March, the Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee (IWOC) have called a protest outside the Royal College of Psychiatrists to mark the 10 years that IWOC member Kevan Thakrar has spent in Close Supervision Centres within the British prison system. Close Supervisions Centres (CSCs) are the most extreme form of imprisonment in the UK,