Protest outside the Ministry of Justice by the family and supporters of prisoner Kevan Thakrar to protest him being held in indefinite segregation for 13 years
Protest against racism & solitary confinement in prisons

Protest outside the Ministry of Justice by the family and supporters of prisoner Kevan Thakrar to protest him being held in indefinite segregation for 13 years
On 25 and 26 April Kevan Thakrar, a young Muslim man, is bringing a legal challenge in the High Court against his prolonged and indefinite solitary confinement in prison segregation. Since April 2021 he has been confined to his cell for 23 hours a day and has to exercise in what amounts to a cage.
The anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito has now been on hunger strike for 154 days to protest against the solitary confinement conditions under Italian Article 41bis. In the meantime, his health has deteriorated massively and yesterday an acute heart crisis was reported. The Italian state deliberately prefers to let the political prisoner die rather than relax
In light of Alfredo Cospito having been moved to another prison for medical care, Freedom reproduces Toby Shone‘s declaration of solidarity: “By observing the force of the rainfall, one can know the size of the dragon, and by observing the flourishing of the blossoms, one can know the depths of the pond.” – Traditional saying
Alfredo Cospito was imprisoned for 10 years in 2014 for the kneecapping of a power plant owner, in 2012, carried out by the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI). He was later sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for ‘political massacre’ (where no one was hurt) for his role in Operation Scripta Manent
On Monday 9th March, the Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee (IWOC) have called a protest outside the Royal College of Psychiatrists to mark the 10 years that IWOC member Kevan Thakrar has spent in Close Supervision Centres within the British prison system. Close Supervisions Centres (CSCs) are the most extreme form of imprisonment in the UK,