Freedom News

Russia: two activists sentenced for protest against the new law erasing trans people

Russia: two activists sentenced for protest against the new law erasing trans people

Two Russian activists, Polina Simonenko and Mila Zemtsova were sentenced by the Tverskoy District Court in Moscow yesterday for attending a picket protesting a new draft law erasing the, already limited, rights of trans people in Russia. Simonenko was sentenced to 14 days arrest, while Zemtsova was ordered to pay a fine of 20,000 Russian

It’s spelt Sisterhood, not Cis-terhood statement

It’s spelt Sisterhood, not Cis-terhood statement

The signatories of this letter strongly condemn the actions and doctrines of the Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs)*. This strain of feminism recently gained notoriety due to their problematic opposition of the proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (these reforms proposes to allow trans and non- binary people to self- declare their gender

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance

The Transgender Day of Remembrance, held annually since November 20, 1999, is a day of remembrance to commemorate the world’s average of about 300 trans people killed each year due to anti- trans hatred and violence. On this day, we remember those affected by trans-sexual violence, and also raise awareness of this form of discrimination

Greece Passes Gender Recognition Law

Greece Passes Gender Recognition Law

In October, the Greek parliament passed a bill enabling citizens to determine their gender identity without having to undergo any physical or psychological examination from the age of 15. The law, while not perfect (for instance, it bars access for legal gender recognition to transgender refugees and migrants), is a major step forward for Greece’s trans community.