Freedom News

Indigenous sovereignty supporters stage sit-in at KKR & Co. in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation

Indigenous sovereignty supporters stage sit-in at KKR & Co. in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation

Early this morning, dozens of indigenous sovereignity supporters occupied the London offices of investment firm KKR, in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation who are facing violent, militarized attacks at the hands of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Coastal GasLink (CGL), and the Canadian state. Armed with #wetsuwetenstrong signs, banners and the backing of thousands

Canada: call for solidarity with Hamilton Pride defenders

Canada: call for solidarity with Hamilton Pride defenders

On 15th of June, the Pride March in Hamilton, Ontario, was attacked by a group of far right activists, christian fundamentalists and downright neo-nazis. According to a report at the Canadian anarchist news website North Shore: “They arrived with massive homophobic signs and banners, and immediately began to scream insults and slurs. They aggressively harassed

Canada: police and military to be banned from future events after protesters block Edmonton Pride Festival

Canada: police and military to be banned from future events after protesters block Edmonton Pride Festival

Last Saturday Edmonton’s annual Pride Festival march was successfully blocked by protesters unhappy that  the police and military are allowed to join. The blockade, organized by a coalition of queer and trans people of colour and allies, lasted for more than half and hour after around 30 protesters formed a human chain at a road junction