Freedom News

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

A group of students at the University of Sheffield have occupied the Diamond (a prominent engineering building) to protest the University’s relationship with arms companies. The University claims to have divested from arms companies, calling investment in them irresponsible. Despite this, they have failed to cut all ties with the arms trade by still receiving

London: SOAS students occupy management offices in support of worker strikes and to demand free and liberated education

London: SOAS students occupy management offices in support of worker strikes and to demand free and liberated education

Today marks the third day of student occupation of SOAS university management offices in solidarity with worker strikes and to demand free and liberated education. The occupation begun on the morning of the 23rd of February and is now comprising of over 30 students who, in the past three days, have been subjected to security

Aberdeen University occupation: students vindicated

Aberdeen University occupation: students vindicated

Following the incident that occurred last Tuesday at University of Aberdeen during student occupation  in solidarity with academics involved in the University College Union (UCU) pension dispute, a footage clearly showing that the University’s allegations of student violence are unfunded. [Content warning: this video contains physical aggression] In the video, Angus Donaldson, Director of Estates