Freedom News

#WhereAreThey: Remembering the lives of those who perished trying to reach Europe on February 9, 2020

#WhereAreThey: Remembering the lives of those who perished trying to reach Europe on February 9, 2020

At 04.09am on February 9, 2020, the distress hotline Alarm Phone received a call, a call that was initially no different than the dozens of others the organization receives each year. (In 2019, 101 boats, carrying over 6,200 people, reached out to Alarm Phone for help, compared with just 27 boats in 2018.) A group

Don’t despair, organise!: Reading Red Kitchen

Don’t despair, organise!: Reading Red Kitchen

Like many homeless people during the lockdown, asylum-seeking migrants are being bundled into cramped hotels. With their asylum allowance confiscated, they rely on 2 x plain pasta meals and weird small shampoo sachets. Mums can’t buy nappies. People can’t buy pants. The food is horrendous. They are bored, depressed and have no autonomy. There’s blatant

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Over twenty asylum-seeking individuals forcibly moved by the Mears group into cramped hotel accommodation in Glasgow have been refusing to eat the mouldy, undercooked and culturally inappropriate food that Mears provides and are calling for action to protest the Mears group’s abysmal, dehumanising treatment of people they receive public money to provide safe accommodation for.

Sex workers are under attack– feminists everywhere need to support us

Sex workers are under attack– feminists everywhere need to support us

It was the day after International Women’s Day and I was tired, obviously, but also feeling good about pulling off another strike for the 3rd year in a row in London. I went on twitter looking for photos of our actions, and found something heart-breaking instead: In the Spanish state, my sex working combabes had

French migrant hunger strikers communique: ‘No Liberty, No Equality, No Fraternity for us’

French migrant hunger strikers communique: ‘No Liberty, No Equality, No Fraternity for us’

Immigration Detention Centres, Centre de Retention Administratif or CRA in French. Let’s call them what they are: prisons for people that have committed the “serious crime” of not having the correct visa, or of not having been born in the right country. In a Europe, which likes to wax lyrical about the importance of freedom