Freedom News

LCAP: A decade of direct action

Based on a “direct action casework” model of community organising pioneered in Ontario, Canada in the 1990s, the London Coalition Against Poverty was formed in 2007 to fight against the worsening squeeze on welfare provision which had been occurring under successive Labour governments. Organised on horizontal lines, it immediately made a splash with punchy actions

Grenfell: Because they were poor

A member of the Anarchist Federation writes on guilt and the ever-rising death count in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire. “The people who died and lost their homes – this happened to them because they are poor” ~ Akala, rapper and poet, local resident. “Regeneration is a euphemism for ethnic and class cleansing”

Sisters Uncut have “fully secured” Holloway prison

After a ten-hour standoff with police last night, women’s rights campaign Sisters Uncut announced this morning that they are in control of the recently closed women’s prison in London. Sisters let themselves into the building through an open window yesterday afternoon, draping banners outside reading “this is public land, our land” before being surrounded by a large

RMT union puts anarchist in charge of London

Freedom has received the following, written by an anonymous railway worker with the RMT union At the beginning of this year the RMT elected Andy Littlechild (pictured right), a longstanding anarchist and member of the Solidarity Federation (Solfed), to the RMT union’s National Executive Council as its London transport representative. The role, which lasts for

Rallies kick off fortnight of action against mass deportations

A march through Brixton, South London today following on from Wednesday’s demonstration at the Nigerian High Commimssion has kicked off a two-week campaign by the Movement For Justice By Any Means Necessary against British charter flight deportations, used to forcibly expel migrants en masse. The campaign is part of an international action in Nigeria, Jamaica and

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Every year the anarchist movement has its biggest get-together at the London Anarchist Bookfair at the end of October. But there’s a lot of similar events going on between now and then, and we’ve done a roundup below so you’re never short of a book or two. April 29th: Cambridge Radical Bookfair Venue: Portland Arms, 129 Chesterton Road,