Freedom News

Don’t want to get arrested before a demo? Then don’t publicise a plan to break the law!

Don’t want to get arrested before a demo? Then don’t publicise a plan to break the law!

The raid on Animal/Extinction Rebellion’s warehouse shows why you shouldn’t publicly broadcast plans to break the law. On multiple occasions over the last few years, I have taken it upon myself to caution the wider movement – and Extinction Rebellion activists in particular – that if you publicly advertise an agreement or plan to break

Legal News Digest: Nov-Dec 2020

Legal News Digest: Nov-Dec 2020

From the legislative war on sex workers to new rules governing criminal record disclosure, Carl Spender is here with a round-up of the last month’s legal news. On more than one occasion this year, I have lamented the never-ending game of catch-up I seem to be playing with the mutating provisions of the Health Protection