Freedom News

When your neighbour is your jailer

In 2012 Theresa May announced the creation of the “hostile environment” for “illegal migrants.” This new policy framework has extended the powers of the Home Office to everyday life. Whilst immigration power has traditionally always been exercised at external borders, the multiplication of internal checkpoints has reached hospitals, jobs, homes, banks and any other service,

British Hospitality

Joseph walked up to the front door of Number Seven with some foreboding. He’d had a hard trip, having been chased down the road by thugs and mugged by the taxi service. He knew he looked a bit bedraggled, as someone who’d run out of money and been forced to walk a long way in driving rain

In or Out the ruling class will win and Fortress Europe will remain. Unless we dismantle it.

People in Britain will be given a mockery of choice in the upcoming European elections. If the Leave campaign wins, they will be faced with a repeal of worker’s and human rights, a good possibility of even more restrictions on union laws and less movement around the continent. Additionally the Conservatives and future governments may

When Marches Work

By Graham of East London Radical Assembly and London Anarchist Federation The left loves marching. At their best, marches can be invigorating, unifying, and help to bring new people into active struggle. They can also be a massive waste of time and resources, make next to no impact, and serve largely to demoralise and demobilise. So what

Festung Europa: Discrimination Against Roma Rife In Eastern Europe

The tragedy and desperation of this summer’s Mediterranean human trafficking has slowly drawn blood even from the stone of David Cameron’s largely retiring isolationism, and united an unsteady Europe in sharing the humanitarian responsibility, or the accompanying rhetoric at least. The major parties have been joined in sympathy. There could be no other response. The savagery