Freedom News

Germany: brutal treatment of arrested antifascists

According to a statement issued yesterday by the Rote Hilfe OG Leipzig, a worrying incident occurred last month in Germany. On the evening of 25th April in south part of Leipzig, a riot police unit seized four young people who were spray-painting walls with slogans against a neo-nazi Mayday march to be held in another

Bonn: former Iranian embassy squatted and evicted

The former Iranian embassy in Bonn was recently squatted in solidarity with political activism, feminist struggles and prisoner rights in Iran. Unfortunately it has now been evicted. It was occupied on International Women’s Day, Thursday March 8, and was raided by over one hundred riot cops one week later. Apparently the building no longer had

Germany: Antifa stops AfD march

AfD march in Rostock had to be cancelled mid way due to blockades on its route and security concerns. Notwithstanding the recent polls indicating that AfD is the second most popular political party in Germany, only about 300 of its supporters gathered in Rostock on Monday evening to protest against the alleged “Islamization” of the

Germany: Media firms hand unpublished G20 riot footage to cops

Just days after police raided dozens of properties nationwide it has emerged that Hamburg cops were given hundreds of gigabytes of raw footage by major media firms. The results of an information request made by sympathetic figures in the German Parliament suggests that a special “Black Bloc Commission” instituted to crack down on anarchists in

Germany: Antifa Blocks AfD Conference

The far right anti- immigration Alternative for Germany  (AfD) party conference was delayed for several hours on Saturday due to protests in the city of Hanover. One of the antifascist call-outs for protest stated: Driven by the grand coalition of CDU and SPD, open authoritarianism has become acceptable again in recent years. The racist negotiation