Freedom News

France: March against police killings unites the left

Over a hundred organisations from around the world, including a number of anarchist groups and British organisations, are backing the callout for a massive march in Paris to take place on March 19th against police brutality. Led by the families of people who have died at the hands of police and following on from weeks of

France: Hundreds rally against police violence as Senate offers officers near-total immunity

As people poured onto the streets of cities including Paris, Nantes and Rennes last night to demand justice for Theo, a 22-year-old social worker who was allegedly beaten and raped with a police baton, the French Senate has been examining/considering a new “public security” bill. The new set of guidelines are likely to extend the use

France: How union leaders destroyed the movement against El Khomri

A militant reflects on the struggle against the Socialist Party’s El Khomri law attacking working rights, which brought 1.2 million workers into the streets last year and sparked widespread resistance. Unions played a key role last spring in the movement against the “work” law. But their political gymnastics of collaboration with the government cost us the fight. Let

Tribute to the victims of feminicide

On Thursday and Friday night (Nov 24th-25th) the Insomnia collective conducted a series of actions across Paris, France to highlight patriarchal murders. Male violence is the leading cause of death for women aged 16 to 44 worldwide. Acts of violence against women are very diverse in nature, ranging from verbal harassment and other forms of psychological

Lyon anarchists rally against fascist thugs after bookshop attack

Anarchists in Lyon have called a protest against fascist street-thuggery for Saturday November 26th, after an attack by around 20 fascists on La Plume Noir bookshop smashed windows and injured people defending the building. In a statement, members of the Coordination des Groups Anarchistes (CGA) said: “This attack is not an isolated act, it is part of the current rise in

February 27th: Call-out against the eviction of the ZAD

As the British state clamps down on anti-aviation struggle with the recent Heathrow 13 convictions, in France the fight against the airport has intensified. Since the decision by a Nantes court to continue with the eviction of the ZAD (Zone to Defend) in Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, people worldwide have responded with mass demonstrations and a range of solidarity

COP21: the time of the counter-summit is over

With critical support, we went to the COP21 counter summit and found State repression, coercive pacifists and a lack of revolt. State of Repression The build-up to the COP21 set the tone for the entirety of the counter-summit.  Although the recent mobilisations against global summits have been met with ever increasing repression, the increased powers

From The Land Of Proudhon 5

Situationist International. Raoul Vaneigem In Dialogue With Gérard Berréby. Nothing Has an End, All is a Beginning.   Raoul Vaneigem (1934) is a Belgian author and radical social critic. After grammar school, at the age of seventeen he went to study literature at the Université Libre in Brussels. Once he graduated, he taught for a