Freedom News
February 27th: Call-out against the eviction of the ZAD

February 27th: Call-out against the eviction of the ZAD

As the British state clamps down on anti-aviation struggle with the recent Heathrow 13 convictions, in France the fight against the airport has intensified. Since the decision by a Nantes court to continue with the eviction of the ZAD (Zone to Defend) in Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, people worldwide have responded with mass demonstrations and a range of solidarity actions.

On January 26th  in Limoges, seven trucks belonging to the multinational Vinci – who have their fingers in the prospective airport at the ZAD – were burned and a communique published expressing support for the ZAD. A day before over a hundred people had marched to the court in Nantes in opposition the recent court ruling. Less than four days before, two houses of residents close to the ZAD were attacked after their collaboration with authorities to hasten the eviction.

More and more, the anti-aviation movement is clashing with the forces of criminal justice systems, police and multinational companies. The fight against the airport has become a fight against state and capitalist power in general – without losing the specific needs and requirements of anti-aviation struggle in the process. The ZAD is no longer only an occupation of the site of a planned airport, but the mass occupation of capitalism and its mechanisms.

Occupiers at the ZAD have published a call-out for February 27th against the planned eviction, which is posted below:

Rennes town hall after a recent spray-paint attack in solidarity with the ZAD on January 25th

Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France: February 27th – General mobilisation for the abandonment of the airport project – prepare yourselves!

(translated by ContraInfo)

The mobilisation in recent days has been tremendous: thanks to the strength of the demonstration on Nantes’ outskirts, but also due to the actions and gatherings multiplying in dozens of other French cities. It’s clear that the anti-airport movement is denser and livelier than ever. This is because it’s become emblematic of so many other struggles against social and environmental destruction, the loss of agricultural land, climate change, the commodification of land and our lives. It’s also because it sprouts the discovery of inhabiting the world in other ways.

However the government confines itself in its deafness. The farmers and inhabitants of the zad are still threatened by eviction. The beginning of the airport project work is still announced in the short term.

The movement therefore calls for the continuation of actions for the coming weeks, and to pay particular attention to the judgement handed down on January 25th.

All components of the struggle also call for a day of massive mobilisation on February 27th. This mobilisation will be under the banner of stopping eviction threats against farmers and inhabitants of the zad, as well as the airport project’s definitive abandonment.

We invite all committees and supporters to very strongly mobilise from now for this date. We appeal for you all to give it the widest possible diffusion starting from today. We invite everyone from the region, from all corners of the hexagon [of France], and beyond, to organise convoys and buses to reach this big mobilisation.

The forms and meet ups for the 27th February will be defined by the movement depending on the context. A more precise call-out will come following the outcome of the trial on January 25th.

Those who cultivate and live on the zad will never leave! There will never be an airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes!

On and around the ZAD:

Call to come resist on the zone and to make sure that we’re not encircled and cut off. Disturb the check-points and movements of the police and ensure the circulation of supporters and supplies.

 In the region :

– From the first day of the operation, coordinated actions to blockade roads, whether access points of the zone or the main axes and strategic points of the region.
– Occupations of “places of power” (government or private contractor buildings/offices, police stations, etc)
– Nighttime noise demos outside the hotels where the police and military police sleep.
– The first evening, meeting point of different actions or blockades, in front of the police headquarters at 6pm.
– Demo Saturday in Nantes after one week of intervention.

 Outside of the region :

Callout to occupy places of power or local operations to slow the flow of capital, as well as coming to the ZAD to defend for those who can.

The airport will not be built – The zad of Notre Dame des Landes will continue to blossom!

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