Freedom News

Italy: Six arrests in latest raid on Asilo anarchist squat

Italy: Six arrests in latest raid on Asilo anarchist squat

Heavily armed officers from the General Investigations and Special Operations Division of Italy (Digos) broke down the front door and invaded the Asilo Occupato (occupied asylum) building in Turin on Wednesday, arresting six activists. Occupants of the anarchist-run space, located on Via Allesandria, in the neighbourhood of Aurora, resisted for several hours on the roof of the property before

France: Hundreds rally against police violence as Senate offers officers near-total immunity

France: Hundreds rally against police violence as Senate offers officers near-total immunity

As people poured onto the streets of cities including Paris, Nantes and Rennes last night to demand justice for Theo, a 22-year-old social worker who was allegedly beaten and raped with a police baton, the French Senate has been examining/considering a new “public security” bill. The new set of guidelines are likely to extend the use