Freedom News

UN report reveals EU connection with horrors of Libyan detention centers

“Unimaginable horrors,” “extrajudicial killings,” “sexual abuse,” “torture,” “slavery,” and “arbitrary detention,” are the key terms mentions in the latest report about Libya by the United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR). And the leaders in the EU are supporting those who responsible for it, as we know it. The report calls on European Union states to

Austria: thousands protest against government’s anti-migrant policy

Austria: thousands protest against government’s anti-migrant policy

Thousands of people took to the streets of Vienna last Saturday to protest the country’s ruling coalition of conservatives and far- right. The protest was held a year since Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s People’s Party (OeVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) formed government in December 2017. Amid snowfall and sub-zero temperatures, the organisers estimate

Refugee crisis: three rescue boats return to Mediterranean

Refugee crisis: three rescue boats return to Mediterranean

Open Arms, Mediterranea, and Sea-Watch 3 will return to sea to continue their search-and-rescue operations, the three NGO rescue ships announced. In the absence of the European Union, these civilian organizations — from Spain, Italy, and Germany, respectively — will continue their vital lifesaving mission in the deadly waters of the Mediterranean. Crucially, they will also there to bear

Fortress Europe: illegal push-backs and border violence report

Fortress Europe: illegal push-backs and border violence report

This harrowing report presents testimonies of refugee people attempting to reach the safety of Europe from Bosnia into Croatia and Slovenia. It details the brutal methods the police in the region is using in order to prevent people from moving towards the EU, or claiming asylum. All testimonies are gathered from oral interviews via a

Bristol: around 100 people block road in solidarity with deportation victim

Bristol: around 100 people block road in solidarity with deportation victim

Around 100 people blocked a street in Bristol’s Easton neighbourhood trying to stop UK Border Agency deportation attempt last night. The stand-off, lasting through-out the night to the chants of “let him out”, “deport Theresa May”, “no hostile environment in Easton”, and “cops go home”, aimed at preventing the police from taking away and eventually deporting

Violent robberies and deportations of refugees in Greece’s Evros region

Violent robberies and deportations of refugees in Greece’s Evros region

CW: graphic images and descriptions of violence and sexual assault. “When my 20-year-old son arrived in Greece, instead of being able to claim asylum, he was arrested by police, he had with him our family’s savings, 7,000 euros, and his Syrian passport — all were stolen from him. He was so badly beaten — he was hospitalised for a

One world, one humanity

One world, one humanity

Increasingly, we are trapped by militarised borders. Since the ’80s and ’90s, border controls have become more and more brutal, inhumane and all-pervasive. The answer of the capitalist-imperialist States to augmented migration has been to make it impossible for most to travel legally, build detention centres for immigrants and to carry out more deportations. In