Freedom News

Bristol: around 100 people block road in solidarity with deportation victim

Around 100 people blocked a street in Bristol’s Easton neighbourhood trying to stop UK Border Agency deportation attempt last night. The stand-off, lasting through-out the night to the chants of “let him out”, “deport Theresa May”, “no hostile environment in Easton”, and “cops go home”, aimed at preventing the police from taking away and eventually deporting

Interview: Bristol Class War in the 1980s

In this chat with a former Class War member, the Kate Sharpley Library discusses deindustrialisation, upheavals in the 1980s and thumbing the nose against Thatcher’s new normal. Can you tell us a bit about where you came from? I grew up in a town in the west of England during the 1970s. It was an

Bookfair dumps academy venue over military massacre links

Organisers with the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair have announced they will refuse to hold this year’s event at secondary school the City Academy following revelations that its parent Trust is sponsored by arms-merchant Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce is heavily partnered with Turkey building jet engines for its military aircraft, and has faced strong criticism for effectively

Bristol: Radicals in print and film

An entire weekend of radical politics is taking place in Bristol this weekend — and with a film festival to follow in October the south-western city is setting a high bar for radical culture this year. The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair starts at 11am tomorrow and with over 20 stalls and workshops, will cover issues from

Care Workers’ new campaign: Pay what’s owed for sleep-ins, or else

Over the weekend Bristol Care Workers Network (BWCN) celebrated its first year organising in the region, which has taught many lessons and allowed carers to collectively take on big issues such as the integration of anti-migrant policing into healthcare — and announced the launch of a major new wages campaign. The group said: Recently the