Freedom News

The Unmasking Antifa Act: Behind the Mask of History

On the 86th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street where anti-fascist Londoners fought and stopped fascists marching through the primarily Jewish section of East London, it’s important to know the history of anti-fascism and the current surge in fascism. In a recent interview with author and organizer scott crow on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Carlson

USA: antifascists and fascists clash outside Islamic convention

More than 100 antifascists and white supremacists, some armed, clashed outside the 55th annual Islamic Society of North America convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Huston, Texas. The convention drew thousands of American Muslims for a weekend of talks, festivities and prayers. The tensions run high from the start of the convention on

Germany: brutal treatment of arrested antifascists

According to a statement issued yesterday by the Rote Hilfe OG Leipzig, a worrying incident occurred last month in Germany. On the evening of 25th April in south part of Leipzig, a riot police unit seized four young people who were spray-painting walls with slogans against a neo-nazi Mayday march to be held in another

Russia: protest against prison torture

St Petersburg: about 400 people took part in the rally against torture of prisoners in Russia: an impressive turn out for a country where brutal political repression is a norm. The event was organized by the St. Petersburg solidarity group with anarchists and anti-fascists arrested and tortured by the Russian state. The main banner of