Freedom News

Interview: Radical community in Aberdeen

To mark the one-year anniversary of a radical social centre appearing in the Granite City, Rob Ray talks with the organising collective about their experiences, dreams — and advice for groups looking to set up new spaces. Note: This article was written before Covid 19 became an issue. As is the case with every other

The 2020 Anarchist Bookfairs List

With the recent announcements of dates for Liverpool and the Anti-University, our list of anarchist and radical bookfairs across Britain and Ireland is getting pretty full of events – including Bookfair 2020, the first anarchist showing of its kind in London for three years. It’s looking like a good crop this year with Dundee offering

Anarchism and the 1945 elections

Following a question posed by Labour supporters about anarchist responses to the policy proposals of what became the Attlee Labour government, below we reproduce Freedom’s front page article from June 2nd 1945. Vote – What For? At last, after a decade during which a parliament elected to maintain peace has fought the bloodiest war in

Brazil: In case of fire, burn the landlords and imperialists

In this scorching essay, the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira, or CAB) analyse the many steps taken under multiple governments which have led to today’s ruinous arsons of the Amazon — and call for support to flow to the grassroots communities resisting the burners. In August, Brazilian and international society was surprised by a

Restorative justice, and reducing the harm of drugs

While the following article from C4SS mainly deals with US arguments over legalisation, the topic discussion is well worth having — England and Wales have one of the highest rates of drug-related deaths in the EU, over 17 times higher than the rate of Portugal, which decriminalised all personal drug possession in 2001. [pdf] In

The anarchist reading list: Summer 2019

Below is a brief run-down of a selection of books recently or soon to be published in the forthcoming months which we feel may be of interest to anarchists. Three main criteria are affordability, accessibility and availability. AK Press have a bumper selection lined up including: Down with the Law: Anarchist Individualist Writings from Early

Mutu: rethinking our radical media

The seriousness of our times hardly needs restating. In contrast to the temporary “tightening of belts” we were promised, we’re now over a decade into what is increasingly being understood as a permanent austerity that the ruling class wanted all along, while Britain’s biggest far-right demonstrations since the 1930s combine with Tory overtures towards overt