Freedom News

Don’t despair, organise!: Guillotine Media

In the next chapter of our mini-series dedicated to new groups and projects forming across the UK and beyond, we introduce Guillotine Media: London-based podcast focusing on grassroots left wing activism. Are you involved in a new, or not that new but lacking the attention it deserves, project and want to share your experience? Drop

Poland criminalises hunt sabotage

The Polish parliament had voted through a new law effectively criminalising hunt sabotage. The law still needs to be approved by Poland’s president, who is unlikely to veto it. According to the new bill, people found “intentionally obstructing a hunt” will be a subject to a punishment of up to one-year imprisonment. The punishment for

Russia: prosecutor demands prison sentences of 6 to 18 years for anarchist defendants in “Network” case

The prosecutor in charge of the so-called “Network” aka Penza/St Petersburgh case demanded on 26th December prison time between 6 and 18 years for seven defendants. If convicted, all but two will serve their sentences in a high-security prison colony. The Network case had begun in October 2017, when the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)

Rise up for Rozbrat!

Across Europe, autonomous spaces are fighting for survival in the face of mounting repression. Following the violent evictions of La Zad in 2018, ADM in January and Grow Heathrow in February of this year, the State is setting its sights on Poland’s oldest squat. After celebrating its 25th anniversary in October, the future of the

Legal: The Tories want to give the police more power to evict and arrest trespassers on land

It is with absolutely no pleasure that we report that Britain’s poundshop Duterte, Priti Patel, is well and truly at it again. Our legal correspondent, Carl Spender, is here with the details. On Sunday 3rd November, the government announced it would launch a consultation on proposals to give the police new powers to remove and

Activists face trial following two-day action at Kent-based arms factory

Seven anti-militarist activists are due to attend Folkestone Magistrates Court tomorrow to enter their pleas in an aggravated trespass case relating to an action at Elbit-Instro arms factory. The alleged offence carries a maximum sentence of three months in prison. A number of the activists are locally connected to Kent. The activists were arrested last