Freedom News

RECLAIM THE 90s!: Parallels and differences between the CJA and the policing bill and routes to resistance

RECLAIM THE 90s!: Parallels and differences between the CJA and the policing bill and routes to resistance

There’s been a ton of commentary since the new policing bill was thrust into public consciousness by the police attack on the Sarah Everard vigil in Clapham. A lot of it has drawn comparisons with the struggle against Thatcher’s Poll Tax , a real solid working class victory we can all be proud of. However,

Legal: The Tories want to give the police more power to evict and arrest trespassers on land

Legal: The Tories want to give the police more power to evict and arrest trespassers on land

It is with absolutely no pleasure that we report that Britain’s poundshop Duterte, Priti Patel, is well and truly at it again. Our legal correspondent, Carl Spender, is here with the details. On Sunday 3rd November, the government announced it would launch a consultation on proposals to give the police new powers to remove and