Freedom News

Eviction in Lüetzerath – cops enforcing climate catastrophe

In small gangs, cops start charging towards groups of protesters, beating up people with batons and pepper spray, kicking and pushing them to the ground. Dozens of people are injured, many with serious head injuries, treated by paramedics, and waiting for a helicopter to hospital. Lützerath has become a battlefield, where cops defend fossil capital

Long struggle: The IWA at 100

Founded in 1922, the International Workers’ Association (IWA) is celebrating its centenary this month. Over the last century it has represented many millions of people, faced repression from State forces and bounced back from the precipice. It has fought for the abolition of capitalism and the State, the implementation of libertarian communism and full workers’

Thoughts on the Anarchist Futures Conference

The Anarchist Studies Network, which brings together academics and researchers from all over the world, held its international conference on August 24th to 26th 2022. This year’s gathering featured 38 panels, workshops and plenaries on the subject of “Anarchist Futures”. ASN member Jim Donaghey offers some of his thoughts: I’ve been tasked with offering some

In principle

When last month’s Anarchist Bookfair in London implemented and shared some well-established practices designed to help neurodiverse people cope in crowd situations, the responses on Twitter were disappointing to say the least. As somebody with autism in the family, the use of things like colour-coded lanyards, ear plugs and fidget toys were all familiar concepts

The Trustterfuck begins

Having started this column in 2016, I’m now onto writing about the fourth Tory prime minister in a row, each one spectacularly less competent than their predecessor. Maybe it’s part of the job description. With Liz Truss we also see a move to a more ideological New Right approach to economics, although the way some