There’s a lot of debate about whether self-diagnosis for autism, ADHD and similar disabilities is valid.
Autism and anarchy: Self-diagnosis is valid

There’s a lot of debate about whether self-diagnosis for autism, ADHD and similar disabilities is valid.
Anarchism, for me, is just the name for a kind of politics that never stops being messy and never stops listening to personal and collective desires, no matter how unreasonable they seem.
Ablism is rooted in the fact that it delivers for some people, that it gathers energy unto itself and uses this like a squatting parasite to reproduce itself.
This is all informed by my anarchist perspective but the arguments I’m making should be clear to anyone who wants human liberation.
When last month’s Anarchist Bookfair in London implemented and shared some well-established practices designed to help neurodiverse people cope in crowd situations, the responses on Twitter were disappointing to say the least. As somebody with autism in the family, the use of things like colour-coded lanyards, ear plugs and fidget toys were all familiar concepts