Freedom News

Heat the Rich? Part four: OVO

Heat the Rich? Part four: OVO

Freedom is republishing a series of six articles by Corporate Watch about the energy cartels. CW explains: Throughout October and November, Corporate Watch will be taking a critical look at the top six UK energy suppliers, in solidarity with the millions of people who are struggling to keep warm now that energy bills have risen

Heat the Rich? Part three: Octopus Energy

Heat the Rich? Part three: Octopus Energy

Freedom is republishing a series of six articles by Corporate Watch about the energy cartels. CW explains: Throughout October and November Corporate Watch will be taking a critical look at the top six UK energy suppliers, in solidarity with the millions of people who are struggling to keep warm now that energy bills have risen

The Trustterfuck begins

The Trustterfuck begins

Having started this column in 2016, I’m now onto writing about the fourth Tory prime minister in a row, each one spectacularly less competent than their predecessor. Maybe it’s part of the job description. With Liz Truss we also see a move to a more ideological New Right approach to economics, although the way some