Freedom News

The Menshevik’s Pants: Es lebe die Freiheit!

| CW: Contains a non-graphic instance of sexual assault | Dear Prisoner, “I fell in love – completely and with passionate sincerity – with the idea of revolution.” Evgeniia Iaroslavskaia Markon She sells the arts of the working class to the rich but I know she doesn’t believe in it. A newspaper held in shaking

Artin, little man, I remember you.

Late last month a family of five died when their boat sank trying to cross the Channel. Bruno L had met them just days before, while passing out aid, and writes here about a family full of love, and a toddler full of joy, and a things that should not have happened.

Europe is stained by the ashes of Moria refugee camp

Yesterday morning we awoke to the news that Europe’s largest refugee camp burnt to the ground overnight. At present it is unclear if there have been any fatalities and it will be a while before we know for sure. Around 13,000 people (mainly from Afghanistan and Syria) were cramped into a former army facility at

Means Testing in the Time of Corona

An open letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and the Senior Coroner for Inner North London, from Joe Reynolds. “I don’t want people to go away thinking we have stopped our support for people with disabilities, far from it…” – Thérèse Coffey, MP “…Far from it.” – Peter Schofield CB, Civil

Brexit and the Borders of Humanity

Joe Reynolds writes on the phenomenon of the Calais migrant situation as he saw it in 2016, at the height of the media panic, amid Brexit manoeuvrings and a violent French crackdown. The borders of the United Kingdom are militarised with both the language of fear and the chemical burn of tear gas. From the