Freedom News

Support Russian anti-war prisoners

Support Russian anti-war prisoners

The Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow, established in 2003, has supported Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners continuously for almost 20 years. After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, the anti-war movement spread to every corner of Russia with demonstrations and direct actions. During the first 3 months of war, more than 16 000 people were

Report: Medical Self-Defence Network work in Ukraine

Report: Medical Self-Defence Network work in Ukraine

CONTENT WARNING: Highly graphic images of war injuries Freedom republish Medical Self-Defence Network‘s (MSDN) report: Since March this year, I came to work as a frontline medical volunteer in Ukraine, because we as MSDN see it as very important from perspective of critical solidarity, to be able to put in practice alternative medical structures, and

“Leftists” outside Ukraine are used to listening only to people from Moscow: Interview with anarcho-syndicalists in Eastern Ukraine

“Leftists” outside Ukraine are used to listening only to people from Moscow: Interview with anarcho-syndicalists in Eastern Ukraine

Yavor Tarinski from the Greek libertarian journal Aftoleksi interviews two anarchists from eastern Ukraine. They themselves were politically active for decades in eastern Ukraine until before the 2014 invasion – where the possibility of any unmediated political action collapsed. They are both what many people tend to simplistically call “Russian-speaking” citizens of Ukraine. This interview

An anti-fascist message from the shadows of Central and Eastern Europe

An anti-fascist message from the shadows of Central and Eastern Europe

In this long read Czech Antifa explain their perspective on the Ukrainian conflict, critique primarily Western logics surrounding much of the debate which has emerged, and address what they see as forms of colonial hangover which have hamstrung responses to Russian imperialism. Russian imperialism brings fascism and genocide, disguised in the language of anti-fascism, to

Ukraine video dispatch: The recovery in Kharkiv

Ukraine video dispatch: The recovery in Kharkiv

Alexis Daloumis reached the frontline city shortly after Ukrainian forces had pushed the Russian Army out of artillery range, and reports on the situation as it recovers from the assault. This is the third video dispatch produced by Alexis. The first (here) interviews eastern-European anarchists on their views about the war. The second (here) focuses

Ukraine video dispatch: Anarchists Against Putin – International Anarchist Mobilization

Ukraine video dispatch: Anarchists Against Putin –  International Anarchist Mobilization

Freedom is pleased to present the next Ukraine video dispatch produced for us by film-maker and journalist Alexis Daloumis. Alexis spent last few weeks in Kiyv, and previously you may have heard of him due to his other production, Belkî Sibê: A Journey Through The Syrian War and Rojava Revolution. If you haven’t watched last

Ukraine War video dispatch: North-Eastern European anarchists respond to the Russian narrative

Ukraine War video dispatch: North-Eastern European anarchists respond to the Russian narrative

This is the first of, hopefully many, video and written reports from Ukraine and around produced for Freedom by film-maker and journalist Alexis Daloumis. Alexis spent last few weeks in Kiyv, and previously you may have heard of him due to his other production, Belkî Sibê: A Journey Through The Syrian War and Rojava Revolution.