Freedom News

Notes from the US: OAN out

Notes from the US: OAN out

We can start with some good news this month. As reported previously in Notes, far-right channel One America News has finally been dropped from telecom giant AT&T’s line-up of available channels via its subsidiary Direct TV.  AT&T’s share of the cable providers is less than a quarter of that broadcast by market leader Comcast, but

Ray Luc Levasseur on Tom Manning of the United Freedom Front

Ray Luc Levasseur on Tom Manning of the United Freedom Front

 Luther Blissett interviews former UFF member Ray Luc Lavasseur on the ongoing situation of Tom Manning, one of two remaining prisoners from the Marxist insurrectionist group (the other being Jaan Laaman). American prisons try to silence and kill political prisoners slowly and painfully. Right now, that is what Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Warden of FCI Butner

Interview: Ray Luc Levasseur on the United Freedom Front and Jaan Laaman

Interview: Ray Luc Levasseur on the United Freedom Front and Jaan Laaman

Luther Blissett interviews former UFF member Ray Luc Lavasseur on the ongoing institutional repression of Jaan Laaman, one of two remaining prisoners from the Marxist insurrectionist group (the other being Tom Manning). Also known as the Ohio Seven, UFF was a US group in the 1970s and ’80s which targeted banks and State facilities with

Notes from the US

Crime Ex vice-president Cheney’s former oil company, Halliburton, pleaded guilty in late September to destroying evidence after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A former Halliburton manager also faces a new charge of destroying computer simulations after the blast. The fine? US$200,000 (£125,000). Economy The House of Representatives has passed sweeping cuts

Solitary for being an anarchist

A prisoner at Pontiac Correctional Centre, Mark Neiweem, has been sent into solitary confinement for possessing literature from the Anarchist Black Cross, and for writing essays on the prison industrial complex. Following a disciplinary hearing – at which he was denied a lawyer – he was given six months in solitary for possessing ‘gang related