Freedom News

Lecturers and cleaners stand together as 1,000 picket UCL

Up to 1,000 members of academics union UCU and base union IWGB and their supporters walked the pickets today as part of the first-ever joint strike between cleaners and academic staff at University College London (UCU). The IWGB, representing cleaners, security officers and porters, joined UCU chanting, “Two strikes, one fight!” and, “UCL you’re out

Fighting for £15: A McStrike Day Report

Workers at six McDonald’s restaurants in South London walked out yesterday to demand £15 an hour for workers of all ages, as well as guaranteed hours and official recognition of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union (BFAWU).   This latest ‘McStrike’– the largest yet in the UK, according to organisers – was part of

Libertarian manifesto on the Ecuadorian crisis

The following text comes from the leaflet distributed by the group  “Solidaridad Anarquista Ecuatoriana” (SAE) on the streets of Ecuador’s capital Quito. Libertarian Manifest about the Ecuatorian crisis: SAE with the People The country lives in times of unrest. Unrest which doesn’t originate in previous Correa government, nor the current one with Moreno. In these

Portugal: The dockers’ struggle

Pedro Friere takes a deep dive into the background of dockworker strikes in Portugal, which kicked off spectacularly in November with casualised workers taking action in Setúbal and overtime bans linked to proposed pay cuts holding across most of the country’s major ports. In Portugal, this past year has been a year of intermittent dockworker strikes,