Freedom News

P&O Ferries: A picketline report

P&O Ferries: A picketline report

In the aftermath of major protests and government panicking about P&O Ferries’ decision to knowingly break the law while sacking hundreds of staff, a writer for Liverpool Anarchist who was on the ground in the city reports on how a month of fighting back has gone – and what potential there is for pushing further.

IWW picket against White and Case and outsourcing company Mitie against sacking of union official latest in actions against harassment of organisers

IWW picket against White and Case and outsourcing company Mitie against sacking of union official latest in actions against harassment of organisers

The London branch of the Industrial Workers of the World today staged a picket of the offices of law firm White and Case LLP against the sacking of Yolanda, a shop steward for the IWW. Mitie, the outsourcing company, claims that Yolanda’s conduct was the reason for her firing however she had never received any complaints