Freedom News

Indonesia: solidarity call for anarchists imprisoned in Yogyakarta

Some worrying news reached us from Indonesia. On Mayday this year, workers, students and youths took to the streets of Yogyakarta to protest against the ‘feudal monarchy society and the repression of the state apparatus in building the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) infrastructure mega project that rid the peasants of Kulon Progo’. During the protest,

Russia: protest against prison torture

St Petersburg: about 400 people took part in the rally against torture of prisoners in Russia: an impressive turn out for a country where brutal political repression is a norm. The event was organized by the St. Petersburg solidarity group with anarchists and anti-fascists arrested and tortured by the Russian state. The main banner of

Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour convicted of ‘Facebook incitement’

A Palestinian poet was convicted of “inciting violence” and “supporting a terrorist organisation” on Thursday for a poem she posted on social media that the prosecution claimed called for violence against the occupation. Nazareth magistrates’ court found Dareen Tatour guilty over a poem titled “Resist, My People, Resist Them” posted on Facebook and other posts

Greece: police raid three anarchist squats in Athens

At early hours of Monday, a coordinated police operation to clear out three anarchist squats in central Athens has resulted in arrests and evictions of the properties. The three raided squats are Gare, Zaimi in Exarcheia and Matrozou. Matrozou residents have put up a fight, and as a result, 12 people were arrested and are

ZAD: a month away from possible eviction

Following the announcement by French prime minister Edouard Philippe that the ‘illegal occupants’ will be evicted at the end of March, for four weeks now ZAD has seen a large police presence, with about 200 gendarmerie mobilised daily in the area. Their mission: to control the entrances, and to engage in a number of harassment operations,

Review of repressions against anarchists in Russia

Moscow Anarchist Black Cross released the review of repression of anarchists by Russian state in 2017 and early 2018. During this period, the authorities continue to frame and persecute the Russian comrades. Anarchists are also a subject of repressions in prisons. Here is the extract of recently published list of repression in Russia. St. Petersburg

Chinese state persecutes Marxists

Some quite ironic news from China. In the past few months, the Chinese state has persecuted and effectively criminalized at least two Marxist reading groups at universities in the cities of Nanjing and Guangzhou. In November 2017, police raided a Marxist reading group at the Guangdong University of Technology and arrested its six members. Of