Freedom News

One world, one humanity

Increasingly, we are trapped by militarised borders. Since the ’80s and ’90s, border controls have become more and more brutal, inhumane and all-pervasive. The answer of the capitalist-imperialist States to augmented migration has been to make it impossible for most to travel legally, build detention centres for immigrants and to carry out more deportations. In

FRONTEX heralds better border control as reducing migration to a “manageable” level while giving a tacit nod of approval to sadistic policies

In a report released on 7th August, FRONTEX adulated at the decrease of “migration flow” from the end of 2015 until now. The publication cites the closure of the route in 2016 as being a key component in the decrease of migration, as well as crediting enhanced security measures at EU borders with Serbia, translating

Dijon: large refugee squat evicted

Yesterday early morning French police, with assistance from border police evicted the XXL Squat in Dijon, where about hundred asylum seekers lived. During the eviction, twenty-four people were detained by the border police. The eviction was enforced despite of the ongoing negotiations with the property owner. The building have been occupied  since August 2016. Apart

Calais border, news after the May-Macron summit

This text was contributed to Freedom News by a long-standing No Borders activist. She has been working in Calais for over 8 years. She first got involved with the No Borders camp in Calais in 2009. Thursday 25th January was a dark day for Calais. A 16 years old Eritrean teenager was very seriously injured: