Freedom News

Florida prisoner ‘literally tortured’ after detailing prisoner abuse

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, an inmate incarnated in Florida State Prison in Raiford and a member of  Prison Chapter of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP), is facing charges of “inciting a riot or demonstration” after he penned a letter detailing mistreatment of prisoners by the Florida Department of Corrections. Rashid’s letter, entitled “Florida Prisoners Are

Report on Prison Suicides in Texas

On 19th November 2017, prisoner Benjamin Laure was found hanging in his cell in Texas prison. Here, in a text sent to Freedom News, Keith “Malik” Washington: chief spokeperson for the End Prison Slavery in Texas Movement and fellow inmate, examines the events of the day, and the causes of prisoner suicides in the USA.

Fight the extradition of Lauri Love

On the 16th of September 2016 at Westminster Magistrates Court the extradition proceedings of Lauri Love (a computer scientist accused of hacking) were approved with leave to appeal. Lauri is being extradited to face charges of hacking to government websites and stealing data from three states in the U.S He faces a sentence of up to

Silhan Ozcelik’s imprisonment is another vicious example of today’s counter-insurgency

Silhan Ozcelik, an eighteen-year-old Kurdish woman from London, was sentenced to 21 months at the Old Bailey two days ago. Silhan’s conviction is the first in the UK against someone for attempting to fight alongside Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The verdict comes within the wave of patriotism engulfing Europe after the Paris attacks on 13th

‘Anything But A Crisis’ or How To Make A Prison Riot

As a crisis in our prison system intensifies, Saul Jay assesses the current state of the UK prison system, and how the situation is ripe for an explosion. Imagine you’re the Secretary of State for Justice– you’ve got a die-hard commitment to appearing ‘tough on crime’, which results in in a constantly rising prison population and in the same

Solitary for being an anarchist

A prisoner at Pontiac Correctional Centre, Mark Neiweem, has been sent into solitary confinement for possessing literature from the Anarchist Black Cross, and for writing essays on the prison industrial complex. Following a disciplinary hearing – at which he was denied a lawyer – he was given six months in solitary for possessing ‘gang related