Freedom News

December 14th: Call for Solidarity from Calais

From Calais Migrant Solidarity ‘They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds’ In recent months, from Ventimiglia to Calais, state violence has increased against those who travel without papers. We see this in the re-introduction of border controls in various states in the Schengen zone that (among other things) resulted in new

Whose University? Police brutality used during a peaceful protest at Warwick Uni.

On Wednesday 3rd December, students making up the contingent of Warwick For Free Education (@warwickfreeed) amassed a crowd of 30-40 students outside of the Arts Centre as a means of rallying for the abolition of tuition fees, education cuts and student debt in order to compel more students to attend the regional demo on Saturday

Penny Mordaunt vs The FBU

On Sunday the boss’ tabloids were all over the same story. The Mail On Sunday even ran it on the front page. Apparently Tory minister Penny Mordaunt wasted parliamentary time and everyone’s taxes by giving a bogus speech for the sole purpose of saying the word ‘cock’ a few times. This to win a bet