Freedom News

Increased numbers march for the United Friends and Family Campaign

This Saturday 28th, thousands of people met in Trafalgar Square at noon to march to Downing St for the United Friends and Family Campaign (UFFC) against deaths in police, prison, and psychiatric custody.  At Downing St, friends and family gave moving speeches about their loved ones who had died at the hand of the state.

London squatting opportunity of the week – 9.2 seconds to make you a time-lord property millionaire

This week on Freedom News blatant rip-off of a much more successful and better written Vice column, we commemorate 10 years since the criminalisation of squatting in residential buildings by George F glibly presenting housing opportunities for those who would wish to take them and by asking – how secure is your door?

London squatting opportunity of the week – a piss-drenched terrace in Whitehall

Suddenly available after it’s previous occupant spontaneously combusted leaving only a pair of ruby slippers and the stench of burning housing insulation, this property in Whitehall is admittedly a fixer-upper. Full disclosure: in recent years tenants had to be forcibly removed for rowdy parties and anti-social behaviour, and the place positively reeks of piss and chardonnay, but the building itself has previously a long and esteemed history as a fuck-palace of the elite.

Victory for domestic and sexual abuse charity counsellors over ‘gig economy’

UVW members working as counsellors for Solace Women’s Aid won a legal battle over their employment status on Monday when a judge ruled that the charity had misclassified them as self-employed independent contractors when in reality they were workers, under s.230(3)(b) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. This false status meant they had no access