Freedom News

Switzerland: Call to support the ZAD de la Colline

Switzerland: Call to support the ZAD de la Colline

In Switzerland, a few kilometers from Lausanne, the multinational cement company LaFargeHolcim seeks to expand the exploitation of the limestone quarry which consumes and attacks the Mormont hill: the area with remarkable flora and fauna. The quarry’s expansion threatens to engulf the hill’s protected forest, its unique biodiversity, its history and the cultivated lands which

Shunning Treesponsibility: South Yorkshire still a dangerous place… if you’re a tree!

Shunning Treesponsibility: South Yorkshire still a dangerous place… if you’re a tree!

Learning absolutely nothing from the 8-year-long Sheffield Tree Felling Protests, South Yorkshire’s Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC) have been busy implementing their own legally dubious plan to fell 64 healthy lime trees on Middlefield Road in the Doncaster suburb of Bessacarr. The unfortunate trees have been targeted because of suspected root damage to pavements and

HS2- high speed high tension

HS2- high speed high tension

Over the last fortnight I have gone down a High Speed 2 research wormhole, sparked by the thought that I hadn’t heard much about what was going on lately with this bloated project. I started to google around and to read the media outside my usual reference points, which led to a fair few discoveries,

HS2 Update: Resisting the tree thugs

HS2 Update: Resisting the tree thugs

With the exemption of construction from Covid safety measures throughout the early part of the crisis, environment protectors were forced to stay out and physically protect green spaces along the length of the planned high speed railway route. As economic activity has ramped up again this summer so has the amount of action being taken

Why I went to Germany to shut down coal mining operations in the midst of one of the most important general elections of a generation

Why I went to Germany to shut down coal mining operations in the midst of one of the most important general elections of a generation

I have consistently gone to every single Ende Gelände action in Germany. In fact I am the only person from the UK who has gone to every one of the seven large mass direct actions against coal in the country. The last one happened on Saturday the 30th of November in the East of Germany