Freedom News

Legal: People are being criminalised for coronavirus offences that don’t exist.

Delirious with fevers and newly extended powers, British cops are well and truly out of control. Whether it’s Derbyshire police following dog walkers with drones or Lancashire constabulary issuing 123 enforcement notices in four days, front line coppers are running around like heavily armed headless chickens, fining, arresting or, in one horrific case, tasering anyone

Boris Johnson a ‘libertarian’? What a joke

It’s really frustrating when people use anarchist terms and phrases out of context or for their own advantage. Libertarian is a word that is consistently bastardised by the new right. Over the last few days the word has been used to describe the UK prime minister in his apparent desire to not introduce the draconian

“I’ve never felt more trapped and powerless in my life” – Letter lays bare the cruel realities of prison during the pandemic

The following letter from ‘D’ – passed to us by Carl Cattermole and Lisa & Elliot of @bluebaglife – lays bare the horrific conditions being endured by prisoners during the Covid-19 pandemic. As Carl wrote yesterday, British prisons are a Petri dish for this virus and unless people are released en masse, hundreds of prisoners

I never want to see the word “COVIDIOT” again

A disclaimer first. I have shit lungs and I’ve always had shit lungs, I’m chronically ill and the threat of not being able to breathe has been constant throughout my life, I am personally taking this pandemic very, very seriously and everyone should stay at home and ideally enforce a rent strike. However, like most

Stay at Fucking Home

I have been at home for 12 days. I live with someone vulnerable and we have been isolating ourselves as best we can since I realised that going to work wasn’t worth the risk anymore. Today we went for a drive, never getting out of the car, just driving around with the windows closed looking

British prisons are Petri dishes for this pandemic; without immediate action it’s the death penalty by any other name

Carl Cattermole This past Tory decade has left public services looking like a bicycle locked up too long in East London: valuable parts stolen, everything else rusted. And if the service still has two wheels then I guarantee it doesn’t have the suspension to cope with bumps… and… COVID-19 isn’t a bump, it’s an assault