Freedom News

Football and Activism in Jerusalem

This text was contributed by a fan of Hapoel Katamon: Israel’s first fan owned football club located in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Jerusalem. The club is known for their supporters’ activism and community projects. Where I grew up in Jerusalem I was faced with very little choices, either you are a fan of

40 days of struggle towards dignity

For 40 days, a sit-in strike in the Polish parliament building by a group of disabled children, young people and their parents, occupied the national media headlines, but barely made it to the international news. The protesters were demanding higher disability benefits and better access to health care. The uncaring and disrespectful way the government

It’s spelt Sisterhood, not Cis-terhood statement

The signatories of this letter strongly condemn the actions and doctrines of the Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs)*. This strain of feminism recently gained notoriety due to their problematic opposition of the proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (these reforms proposes to allow trans and non- binary people to self- declare their gender

Anti-opencast campaigners speak out at abuse by police and bailiffs

Today, members of the now evicted ‘Pont Valley Protection Camp’, have reported ‘sexist’ and ‘abusive’ behaviour, threats of violence and a ‘dangerous lack of safety awareness’ on the part of police and enforcement officers (‘bailiffs’) charged with conducting the eviction of the camp on Thursday and Friday last week. The camp was a protest against