Freedom News

Communism: A short guide for confused journalists

Following Ash Sarkar’s recent “I’m literally a communist” moment on Good Morning Britain, there’s been a lot of fairly messy attempts by media names to explain what communism is — hopefully the following will help them out (apologies for the elderly Drake meme). From Matthew Parris suggesting “communism means State control of the means of production,

Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA

Considering the relative weakness of anarcho-syndicalism in Britain historially, Philip Holgate compares three countries where the revolutionary union idea took off and made a major social impact in Spain, Sweden and the US. Holgate, born at Chesterfield, 1934, studied mathematics at Exeter and spent five years teaching in a progressive school. He was a member of

Interview with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the CNT

On the occasion of the Founding Congress of the New International, a member of anarcho-syndicalist union CNT interviewed its foreign secretary Miguel Pérez, on the ins and outs of the event. As a note, Freedom does not have a position re: the split with the IWA which produced the new international, and readers are encouraged to

First Balkan IWA Congress takes place in Belgrade

Having split in 2015-16 [1][2][3], a much smaller International Workers Association (IWA) gathered in Belgrade last month, a country which as recently as last year was still trying to jail the organisation’s members on spurious terror charges. Below is the anarcho-syndicalist international’s statement from the congress. The IWA is pleased to announce the success of

Liverpool anarchists launch hospitality sector campaign

Anarcho-syndicalists in Liverpool linked to Liverpool Solfed have recently opened a new campaign to fight bad working conditions in the city’s hospitality sector, following on from similar successful efforts in Brighton. The group said in a launch statement: The hospitality industry, which includes workplaces like pubs, restaurants, hotels, canteens, etc. has an important presence in

France: Revolutionary syndicalists call week of debates to ‘kill the ostrich’

Activists with the Comités Syndicalistes Révolutionnaires (CSR) have announced a major new initiative to “kill the ostrich” of failing industrial unionism with its head in the sand, planning a week-long series of debates and training for the summer. The training and debate days from July 10th-16th will be open to international militants. Their main themes will be

Germany: FAU calls for May Day solidarity with migrants – we are workers all

Anarchists in Germany have called for May Day 2017 to focus on solidarity with migrants in the face of one of the fiercest reactionary backlashes of the modern era. The FAU anarcho-syndicalist union is launching the action, saying that “migrants are workers, just like us” but are especially suffering under the current political conditions in