Freedom News

Say No To Transphobia Brighton! A report on protest against WPUK

Say No To Transphobia Brighton! A report on protest against WPUK

On Monday 23rd September 2019 the transphobic hate group WPUK (“Woman’s” Place UK) returned to Brighton to attempt to host another meeting under the cover of being a fringe event for the Labour Party Conference. WPUK claim to be a “feminist” group for the furthering of “women’s” rights. Their views are essentialist, discriminatory, and hateful.

Some thoughts on Bristol University disciplinary action against trans student

Some thoughts on Bristol University disciplinary action against trans student

CW: Transphobia The Univeristy of Bristol continue their prolonged harassment of trans student Nic Aaron, deciding to postpone – yet again – disciplinary proceedings that have already stretched on for over a year. Around 50 trans activists and allies rallied outside the University of Bristol last Wednesday to support Nic at what was their third