Freedom News

Festung Europa: Discrimination Against Roma Rife In Eastern Europe

The tragedy and desperation of this summer’s Mediterranean human trafficking has slowly drawn blood even from the stone of David Cameron’s largely retiring isolationism, and united an unsteady Europe in sharing the humanitarian responsibility, or the accompanying rhetoric at least. The major parties have been joined in sympathy. There could be no other response. The savagery

Press release from Harmondsworth detainees protest 14/07/2014

At 9pm tonight (Monday 14th July 2014) 60 detainees at Harmondsworth mens immigration detention centre began an overnight demonstration, occupying the courtyard. They are demanding that all those on the now unlawful Detained Fast Track (DFT) system are taken off DFT and released. Following last weeks High Court decision ruling the operation of DFT unlawful,

Monarch of the People?

A look at the anti-monarchist sentiments flourishing in Spain by Juana Belén Gutiérrez de Mendoza. Growing up in Spain in the Nineties and early Noughties, society taught you two main principles: ETA are evil murderers but at least they call before they bomb something, and King Juan Carlos I brought in democracy after the Franco