Freedom News

Brief thoughts on the recent antifascist demo in London

Respect to everyone who organised the antifascist demo in London last night and to everyone who turned out. It was really good and necessary that it happened. There had been quite a lot of hype about the violence the far-right were going to dish out. So extra kudos to the people that participated anyway. As

Tomorrow: evening antifascist rally in London

The openly racist and divisive rhetoric of Boris Johnson has emboldened the far right. All across the world the rise of authoritarian neo-liberal governments, ultra-nationalism and openly fascist movements are being resisted by mass anti-fascist action on the streets – from Rojava to Catalunya, Kashmir, Greece and Chile – anti-fascism is international. Last month saw

London: anarchists to hold protest in solidarity with Iranian political prisoners Soheil Arabi and Haj Jaffar Kashani

On Wednesday 2nd October, anarchists will hold protest in solidarity with Iranian political prisoners Soheil Arabi and Haj Jaffar Kashani. Soheil Arabi and Haj Jaffar Kashani are both held in the infamous Evin prison, located north of Tehran. On Friday 20th September, they began a hunger strike to protest continued detention and situation of Arabi’s

Sister not Cister: a fight to be safe

The issue of trans rights is one which has caused enormous upheaval across the left, including the anarchist movement. Below, a member of trans-solidarity group Sister Not Cister talks about the uphill struggle trans people and their allies are facing — and how SNC is trying to help. One of the more infamous incidents within

London callout: noise demo in solidarity with Barcelona’s war on gentrification

On Monday 8th July at 8.30am, activists will gather in front of Blackstone offices at 40 Berkley Square in London W1 J5AL for a noise demo to show solidarity with Barcelona’s residents fighting against gentrification. Blackstone, a New York based multinational private equity firm and the World’s largest alternative investment company*, is the biggest property