Freedom News

France: Defending the workers’ gardens against an Olympic parasite

France: Defending the workers’ gardens against an Olympic parasite

With massive building works for the 2024 Olympics being implemented, Parisians are organising against the systemic use of this “symbol of global unity” to bulldoze and remake communities for the benefit of elite interests. Seven hectares of allotments around the edge of Fort d’Aubervilliers, in the Parisian suburbs, known collectively as the Vertus workers’ gardens,

Two, Three, Many ZADs

Two, Three, Many ZADs

A ZAD means a “zone to defend” (zone à défendre in French). These environmental protest occupations have recorded successes such as preventing an airport near Nantes and a dam in the region of Toulouse. This a roundup of recent ZAD news. In July this year, activists from ANV-COP21 and Extinction Rebellion occupied land in Besançon

America, Empire and Us: The Benefits of International Solidarity

America, Empire and Us: The Benefits of International Solidarity

Solidarity demonstrations and support for the uprising in America and the Black Lives Matter movement are spreading around the world. The reaction to the murder of George Floyd quickly moved beyond America with people taking to the streets in the UK, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Canada, and Greece. Social media critics and conservatives have

Interview: Alessio Kolioulis on Colin Ward’s The Child in the City and its French translation

Interview: Alessio Kolioulis on Colin Ward’s The Child in the City and its French translation

A French language translation of Colin Ward’s classic The Child in the City was published in March this year by Etrerotopia France – L’enfant dans la ville translated by Léa Nicolas-Teboul. Alessio Kolioulis is the author of a new postface for the translated volume (you can check out an English translation of the postface at

France: Far-right mob attack gay bar and left-wing hangout in masked rampage through Le Mans

France: Far-right mob attack gay bar and left-wing hangout in masked rampage through Le Mans

On Saturday night, a mob of forty far-right militants, carrying iron bars, baseballs bats and batons, rampaged through the city of Le Mans, France attacking the city’s only gay bar, as well as well-known left-wing haunt, Le Lézard. The riot followed a demonstration in the town by far-right monarchist group Action Française. While Action Française

French anarchists on the strike for pensions

French anarchists on the strike for pensions

The following statement from France’s anarchist CNT-AIT union analyses the nature of yesterday’s general strike, which has brought out millions of people and affected everything from schools and transport to legal services and hospitals. The battle for pensions begins. But this is not a simple union battle for the defence of social gains, let alone