Freedom News

Palestine Action political prisoners released from prison after one month

Nine activists from Palestine Action pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal damage and burglary, at Bristol Crown Court on 15th June 2022. Their charges follow a direct action taken at the Bristol Headquarters of Israel’s largest arms company, to commemorate Nakba Day on 15th May 2022. Two activists, Ronnie Barkan and Stavit Sinai, who

Palestine Action occupy Acronic factory in Birmingham in solidarity with Grenfell and Palestine

On Monday morning, Palestine Action activists returned to the Arconic factory in Birmingham. The team have sparked a rooftop occupation of the site, and blocked the front gates, halting business for guilty Arconic and demanding Justice for Grenfell, five years on. Today’s action was taken in solidarity with the 72 who lost their lives in

Elbit arms firm’s hub shut down in Bristol

In its latest action against Elbit Systems, Palestine Action stormed the Israeli weapons maker’s flagship premises yesterday (May 15th), occupying both the inside of the facility and the roof to mark Nakba Day. Update (May 18th): All nine of those arrested were initially informed they had been granted bail, however in a highly unusual move

Immigration raid foiled as hundreds block their way

Scorsby was on the ground at yesterday’s spectacular, and successful, effort to deter an immigration raid in Edinburgh. At around a quarter to six the first call-outs began. An immigration raid van had been spotted outside a popular restaurant in the centre of Edinburgh and people were calling for assistance. By 7.30pm over two hundred

Climate activists blockade Glasgow gas shipping office in solidarity with Ukraine

Climate activists have blockaded the Glasgow offices of Russia-linked shipping company Seapeak, demanding an end to gas shipping that is fuelling the invasion of Ukraine. The campaigners are disrupting Seapeak’s Glasgow HQ operations in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Four activists have locked themselves to four bikes with another three activists sitting and blocking

The thing about Downing Street parties …

Hey look, there’s a story that Boris and the Cabinet are corrupt! Another one! There are few things which showcase the state of public discussion in modern Britain more than the recent talk about refurbishments and bollie behind closed doors, circa December 2020. Much as the pain of those who lost loved ones around that

Subterranean Highspeed Blues: Anti HS2 campaigners hold out underground in Wendover – show your support

The eviction of the Wendover Active Resistance camp has now entered its third week. All aboveground defences were obliterated in the first week, but a team of hardy tunnellers still hangs on, and in fact they’re aiming to be there until Christmas at least. One Freedom reporter visited the site recently and said “It looked

IWA-AIT call for International Week Against Unpaid Wages

The International Workers’ Association – Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA-AIT) called for International Week Against Unpaid Wages, to take place in the third week of October. Below, Freedom reproduces IWA’s call-out. The International Week Against Unpaid Wages was established in 2019 by the International Workers’ Association (IWA) to point out to the phenomenon of