Freedom News

Fracking Moratorium or Electioneering? December 12th and Brexit May Hold The Key

Fracking Moratorium or Electioneering? December 12th and Brexit May Hold The Key

Fracking Moratorium or Electioneering? December 12th and Brexit May Hold The Key A month ago, shortly after calling a General Election, the Conservative Government abruptly decided to pass a moratorium on fracking, citing concerns about seismicity. To many, the decision looks like electioneering; a pledge to put fracking on pause while marginal seats in threatened

Climate is class war — what next for green activism?

Climate is class war — what next for green activism?

An alliance of non-hierarchical groups formed over the last few months, the Green Anticapitalist Front is attempting to provide a link between the extensive anarchist experience of green direct action and the latest wave of climate change activism. Below, the group outlines its background and ideas for future activity. The ideas behind the Green Anticapitalist

Justified Resistance in the Face of Catastrophe

Justified Resistance in the Face of Catastrophe

What acts of resistance are justified in the face of an overwhelming injustice? The resistance of the rebel or revolutionary is weighed against the costs imposed by the oppressor: destroyed lives, damaged livelihoods, and affronts to human dignity. The scale and scope of the oppression, in each instance, calls forth a reciprocal and necessary response.

Australian youth rise-up for climate justice

Australian youth rise-up for climate justice

Students have been walking out of schools across Australia, highlighting Government failure to act in the face of potentially catastrophic climate breakdown. Started by School Strike 4 Climate Action, and supported by the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, young people are demanding climate justice and tougher, quick action on climate change. Organic conviction, born out of

Loughborough Students Risk Disciplinary Action on Fossil Fuel Campaign

Loughborough Students Risk Disciplinary Action on Fossil Fuel Campaign

At the start of the academic year something unusual happened at Loughborough University. Whereas undergraduates normally avoid politics on campus a small group got together to discuss a campaign to encourage the university to take their investments out of fossil fuels. Initially the Loughborough People and Planet campaign had the support of Loughborough Students’ Union

Lancashire: Activists Perform Lock-on at Preston New Road Fracking Site

Lancashire: Activists Perform Lock-on at Preston New Road Fracking Site

In the early hours on Friday anti-fracking campaigners locked themselves onto the entrance of the Preston New Road fracking site in Lancashire. The well co-ordinated action was executed amid double security and the police present at the site at around 5am. Despite that activists managed to successfully block the site for hours, with the second lock-