Freedom News
Reclaim the Power calls for national emergency meeting

Reclaim the Power calls for national emergency meeting

As the government gives a green light to the first frack in the UK in seven years, an anti-fracking network Reclaim the Power calls for the national emergency meeting to discuss the next steps of resistance to fracking in Lancashire, and how we can all continue to support the locals in protecting their community.

Latest government statistics show that only 18% of the public support fracking, compared to a 85% who support renewable energy. The House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee have also warned that fracking is incompatible with government targets to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050. Despite this, the government last month announced plans to change planning laws to promote fracking, taking fracking decisions out of the hands of local authorities and allowing drilling to take place without planning application.

There is a growing grassroots resistance to fossil fuel projects across Europe,  with local communities and climate groups planning to  escalate actions over the next few months to stop fossil fuel extraction. Large actions of civil disobedience to disrupt coal mining are planned in Germany and the Czech Republic, while a mass action in the Netherlands will target Europe’s largest gas field. In the UK, last month saw hundreds of people joining a mass action camp to protest Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road fracking site. The 48-hour protest highliglighted fracking threat to water as wildfires spread to Lancashire. Water shortage too has been an ongoing problem for residents in Lancashire. What’s more, climate change, to which fracking would contribute further, is already making extreme weather, such as heat waves, more likely across the globe.

More action is needed. Right now climate change is glaringly impacting on people all over the world. The recent decision to allow fracking in Lancashire  will open up an entire new fossil fuel industry. It is unspeakably senseless and we must stop it now.

Please attend the meeting next Saturday 4th August 12 noon to 5pm at Friends House, 173 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2BJ.

Source and photo: Reclaim the Power

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