Freedom News

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

Students occupy University of Sheffield to protest involvement in arms trade

A group of students at the University of Sheffield have occupied the Diamond (a prominent engineering building) to protest the University’s relationship with arms companies. The University claims to have divested from arms companies, calling investment in them irresponsible. Despite this, they have failed to cut all ties with the arms trade by still receiving

Double Standards

Double Standards

I’ve been demonstrating against the bi-annual arms fair in the borough of Newham every two years since 2010, principally because it’s too easy to hurt someone with a weapon. Also, I value life and believe there are better ways to resolve conflict. I understand weapons may be useful in defence but the UK’s ‘defence’ policy

Activists face trial following two-day action at Kent-based arms factory

Activists face trial following two-day action at Kent-based arms factory

Seven anti-militarist activists are due to attend Folkestone Magistrates Court tomorrow to enter their pleas in an aggravated trespass case relating to an action at Elbit-Instro arms factory. The alleged offence carries a maximum sentence of three months in prison. A number of the activists are locally connected to Kent. The activists were arrested last

BREAKING: Protesters against Turkish invasion blockade arms companies in Filton

BREAKING: Protesters against Turkish invasion blockade arms companies in Filton

Activists have staged a lock-on outside BAE Filton (South Gloucestershire) this morning. The entrance to a complex of businesses that trade arms to Turkey have been shut down. Four people continue blocking the entrance, with their hands locked together inside steel tubes. A tailback of BAE employees and others attempting to enter the site is

A street view of DSEI 2019

A street view of DSEI 2019

Tanya Jiang writes on the what happened at the front line of this year’s clash between weapon-mongers trying to flog their murderous devices to State killers, and the hundreds of people who put their bodies on the line to stop it from happening. Friday was the last day of the Defence and Security Equipment International